Walden (Big Beat) Announces Splice FL Studio Beta with Session of “Airodime”

Australian whiz kid Walden is offering a special look at one of his FL Studio sessions on Splice! Since his debut “Brightness” EP, Walden has been on a production tear. His latest release, “Airodime,” balances a groovy and melodic feel around an array of detailed FX. Walden tells us about his “Airodime” session:

This blog post mentions Splice Studio, which is no longer active. Learn more about the shutdown here.

“Airodime is a special record for me because it is the first mixdown and master that I have done that I am truly 100% happy with and proud of. I used a combination of Waves and Fabfilter plugins for compression/fx, as well as the Korg M1, Native Instruments Kontakt, FM8, FL’s Harmor/Harmless and ReFX Nexus for the majority of my synth lines. I also made some use of FL’s multiband compressor and sound colorer, Maximus! 

The project is a little bit messy here and there as I am not the most organized of producers, but I think the file is a good representation of how I work in FL and what a finished and properly mixed down (and mostly stemmed out) record looks like for me. My master processing is not included in the project as I prefer to mixdown without compression and FX on the master. All mastering is done in a separate project file! Hope you guys find this project useful.”

Be sure to check out the interaction between KICKDRUM MAIN (Track 5) and KontattPIANO_Verbed (Track 10) which, through great sound design, makes it sound like the piano is side-chained to the kick. We also really liked the sound design on  Subline Base (track 34) and Harmor Line (track 58)! Which are your favorite sounds? Start exploring the project!

To learn more about working with FL Studio projects on Splice, check out this page.

July 28, 2014

Brett Kernan Brett helps lead the Artist Partnerships team at Splice.