Here’s what’s new in Studio One 5

PreSonus’ Studio One is no stranger to evolution.

Since its initial release over a decade ago, the workstation has added unique and innovative features including drag-and-drop workflows, in-DAW Melodyne integration, and more. Studio One 5 is the brand-new and latest iteration, and like its predecessors, brings a host of improvements that continue to make it a standout option. In this article, let’s explore a few of the most exciting features that are new in Studio One 5.

Show Page

The Show Page in Studio One 5

Whether it’s in a packed arena or via a livestream from your bedroom, putting on a live performance can be a nerve-wracking experience. Studio One 5’s new Show Page lets you perform without fear by allowing you to stay organized and focused on what’s important. The page lets you create a setlist using tracks you’ve previously created in Studio One 5, which can easily be reordered on-the-fly via drag-and-drop. What’s more, parameters that you want to adjust in realtime can be separated from everything else in the Performance view. While most DAWs can also be used to do basic tasks like play back backing tracks, Studio One 5’s Show Page is distinct in how it allows for that and so much more.

Score View

The Score View in Studio One 5

Historically, sheet music has been reserved for ‘traditional’ composition while MIDI and the piano roll have been associated with ‘digital’ composition, despite the reality that over the years the line between the two has become increasingly blurred. Studio One 5 bridges this divide by allowing notation veterans and novices alike to explore the world of sheet music via its Score View. Drawing from the best features of Notion, PreSonus’ renowned notation software, the Score View allows you to work on multiple staves simultaneously, input notes, alter dynamics, add trills, and more. Whether you’re working on orchestral mockups or a pop production, Score View allows you to dive into an alternate (or perhaps more familiar) approach to music composition.

Clip Gain Envelopes

While clip gain and volume automation are features that are typically available across workstations, Studio One 5’s new Clip Gain Envelopes give you control over level like never before. With both curve-based and freehand workflows, Clip Gain Envelopes allow you to make surgical sample-level corrections to clicks and pops as well as more sweeping song-level adjustments, thanks to the fact that edits are applied to all events that use the same audio clip, rather than an individual instance on the timeline (and if you prefer the latter, you can of course still employ standard methods for gain adjustment).

Melodyne 5 Essential

Studio One 5 takes its Melodyne integration to new heights as well, adding the new Melodyne 5 Essential to its arsenal. The latest version of the note-based editing tool comes with vastly improved editing capabilities, integrated chord detection, and a chord grid, and can be used right from within the DAW (which is an immense time-saver for regular Melodyne users). While the tool is most commonly known for its vocal tuning abilities, Melodyne can also be used to bring out the best in any conceivable type of recording.

…And so much more

While we highlighted just a few of the most notable additions to Studio One 5, there are so many more exciting new features to explore: revamped native plugins, extended mixer scenes, aux channels, and a dedicated Listen Bus, just to name a few. Whether you’re looking for your first DAW or trying to change up your workflow, Studio One 5 is an undeniably exciting option for those across all experience levels and backgrounds.

Try Studio One 5 Professional, and then Rent-to-Own the DAW for $16.99/mo until you own it outright:

July 7, 2020

Harrison Shimazu

Harrison Shimazu is a composer, content strategist, and writer who’s passionate about democratizing music creation and education. He leads the Splice blog and produces vocaloid music as Namaboku.