Designs for UI widgets often incorporate shapes of such geometric simplicity that it seems a shame to spend the effort, disk space, and bandwidth of creating, storing, and delivering bitmaps for them.
Think of the dots used to indicate a reader’s position in a sequence, or the triangle tips protruding from popovers, pointing toward their referent.
In these cases, I’ve taken to simply writing the graphic out as an SVG one-liner. SVG is a format for specifying vector graphics and is technically human-readable—even if the long sequences of coordinates can become fairly mind-numbing in advanced usage.
Hand-writing SVG markup
In fact, on Splice, we use SVG one-liners for precisely the above examples.
Here’s one of the dots:
<svg class="dot" width="8" height="16">
<circle cx="4" cy="8" r="4" fill="#dddddd" />
is among the more readable svg
tags. It has a center (cx
and cy
) a radius (r
), and a color (fill
CSS even makes a rare excursion beyond its usual domain of content markup into the shape world of SVG: you can override the fill color (but not other attributes, that I can tell) with CSS rules.
.dot circle {
fill: #333333
Drawing SVGs programmatically
Beyond just letting us replace bitmaps with drawing commands, as a domain-specific language for geometry, SVG opens up avenues for programmatically generating more sophisticated shapes, or ones with variations or animations.
For example, here are the sprites for a sprited loading spinner we have been toying with in-house:
The above was generated in pure JS with just a few lines of trig. Take it for a spin.
While you do, stay a while and try your hand at a few shapes. Or forget your hand and imagine yourself a turtle tracing lines in the sand. Children of the ’80s know what I’m talking about.
June 26, 2014