KITTENS on the transition from DJing to producing and Serato Sample

KITTENS is an LA-based DJ and producer, known for her distinctive blend of hip hop and gritty electronic timbres.

While she continues to actively DJ while also having a handful of powerful original releases today, KITTENS wasn’t always so comfortable with both pursuits. “I started just playing around with Ableton back in 2014,” she recalls. “My peers and the people around me – most of them started out as producers and became DJs, but I was going the other way… from having DJing under my belt already to learning how to produce. And I feel like that is so much harder because, you know, you just have expectations and high standards.”

“I took a long time to be able to make stuff that I was actually not even proud of, but comfortable enough to share with people,” she continues. Speaking in regard to sampling plugin Serato Sample, she says, “I feel like if something like this existed back then, when I was getting started, I wouldn’t have been so hard on myself and I would have felt more comfortable trying new things, because it was a bit more familiar, and it’s so user-friendly. You see everything you need, there’s not a lot of extra stuff going on – and it’s kind of f**k-up proof.”

In the video above, KITTENS opens up an Ableton session and demonstrates how she uses Serato Sample to flip existing sounds into unique musical ideas.

Try Serato Sample for free, and then Rent-to-Own the plugin for $4.99/mo until you own it outright:

December 7, 2020

Harrison Shimazu

Harrison Shimazu is a composer, content strategist, and writer who’s passionate about democratizing music creation and education. He leads the Splice blog and produces vocaloid music as Namaboku.