Win an official release and more via Underbelly and bitbird’s Splice Discord remix contest

We’re excited to announce a new remix competition hosted by Underbelly, bitbird records, and Splice.

The challenge is simple—choose stems from any of the tracks from Underbelly’s latest EP Light The Match, Hide The Hand and produce a remix. You can select any number of stems from any number of songs, so feel free to mix and match and get creative. Underbelly and Thorwald from bitbird will be choosing the winners on a livestream (stay tuned for the date).

The winning remix will have the opportunity to be released on the prestigious bitbird label. You can find the stems for each of the tracks here.

Here are the rules:

  • Your track can be no more than three minutes
  • Only contestants are allowed to vote
  • You must vote for three other entries to remain eligible
  • You may not use any sounds you don’t have the rights to, other than the material provided

The winner will have their remix released on bitbird, get a one-on-one session with Underbelly on how to make any sound, and receive a one-year Venice Distribution Professional Membership. Second-place and third-place winners will also receive a one-year Venice Distribution Professional Membership in addition to bitbird merch.

You’ll have until May 14, 2023 to submit your remix. Learn more details and enter the battle by joining the Splice Discord and visiting the #battle-announcements channel.

Let’s get this battle started!

Join the Splice Discord to engage with a community of other music creators, participate in producer-led beat battles, and hear exclusive interviews:

May 2, 2023