Introducing Splice-produced recording sessions by acclaimed musicians

Today, we’re proud to launch Splice Originals, a new in-house sample label in collaboration with musicians who have made unique contributions to music and sound. Each collection focuses on a particular performance, instrument, or section of sounds that enthralls or embodies the musician. Our inaugural series includes packs made in collaboration with Machinedrum, Laraaji, Susie Ibarra, and more, and contains one-shots and loops featuring everything from electric zithers and dusty cellos to steel tools and forgotten drum machines.

This marks a significant milestone for Splice. With our expansion from sample curation to sample creation, we hope to identify and dive into the vast niches, genres, and sonic worlds currently unexplored in our library. Within Splice Originals, users can peruse through categories like Vintage Machines, Concréte, Breaks, Symphonic, and Origin. We’ll be releasing new packs every Tuesday. Make something original.

December 3, 2018