

Divide, transform, and rebuild any sound with the power of granular processing. Instantly elevate any sound with glitchy stutters, grainy stereo ambience, experimental textures, and beyond.


for 20 months
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Compatible with macOS and Windows.
Available as AU, VST, VST3, and AAX.

Instant granular goodness

At its most basic level, 'granular synthesis' involves splitting a sound into parts called grains. By changing the grain size, the amount of space between them, their pitch, their playback behavior, and tons more, you can create anything from swirling and expressive pads to jittery rhythmic effects. Efx FRAGMENTS makes granular processing simple, turning any audio input into something brand-new.


Buffer section

The audio captured here is used as the raw material for Efx FRAGMENTS' grains, giving you real-time, top-level control. Monitor playback and recording points, customize the buffer length, tweak feedback and wet/dry levels, and freeze the buffer in place for a static slice of sound.


Grain Capture section

Here you can explore how Efx FRAGMENTS captures grains from the Buffer, from Speed to the Transient & Snap-To-Grid quantization modes. This is where you'll create essential granular effects, like allowing the sound to respond to hits and swells, introducing ‘sprays’ at random, manually scanning what you’ve captured, and more.


Grain Release section

This section gives you full control over every aspect of the newly-created grains’ behavior, from shape to play direction to density—and far beyond. The Grain Release module includes a dynamic visualizer, providing vivid visual feedback of the resulting sound.


Pan & FX section

Navigate the stereo space in new ways, from randomized grain panning to tempo-synced movement around a virtual 3D space. For the final end-of-chain touch, run Efx FRAGMENTS’ signal through two FX slots, featuring effects like Multi-Filter, Tape Echo, Stereo Flanger, and more.


Advanced Controls section

Like Arturia's other popular tools, Efx FRAGMENTS is equipped with a host of dynamic modulation and expression tools. Assign Macros to multiple parameters for real-time sweeping effects, make your grains respond to each beat with the Envelope Follower, and create custom functions and step-sequences.


Streamlined view

Want to focus on your sound with fewer visual distractions? Efx FRAGMENTS allows you to open and close advanced controls and visualizations, limiting the UI to essential visuals and parameters. Expand or collapse the UI for the experience that works for you.


Also in FX Collection

Efx FRAGMENTS is one of the 26 high-powered plugins in Arturia's marquee effects suite, FX Collection, available on Rent-to-own for $19.99/mo for 20 months. Access dozens of game-changing contemporary effects and emulations of classic equipment.

Product Information
  • Efx FRAGMENTS is a software effect that allows you to divide, transform, and rebuild any sound by unlocking the power of granular processing. Instantly elevate any project with glitchy stutters, grainy stereo ambience, experimental textures, and beyond.
  • Build tension and sprinkle variety into your beats, compositions, and soundscapes with dramatic stop-start stutters, pitch-shifted fluctuations, and reality-shattering glitches. Slice sounds rhythmically or go totally off-grid for true sonic chaos.
  • What's included:

    • - Creative effect plugin based on granular processing
    • - Features 3 distinct granular modes (Classic, Texture, Rhythmic)
    • - Pitch quantization with 15 different scales
    • - Grain quantization with transient detection or snap-to-grid modes
    • - Spatializer section with 9 different trajectory presets
    • - 2 FX slots with sophisticated routing for unique sound design possibilities
    • - Advanced modulation, featuring an envelope follower, 3 function generators, and a step sequencer
    • - Curated 60-preset library for instant access to inspiring tones
    • - See the full features list on Arturia's website here
System Requirements

Splice Requirements

While renting software through Splice, the Splice Desktop App must be opened every three days. The current operating system requirements for Splice Desktop are:

  • — macOS 10.15+
  • — Windows 10+

Learn more about the Splice Desktop Apps's operating system requirements.

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