Country Drums - Aksel Coe

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Why this Pack is a Songwriter's Dream

Nashville has long been known as the “Songwriting Capital of the World", which is a likely product of being a national center for music publishing since the 1800s. It's been said, though not confirmed in some years, that Nashville has more music industry jobs per capita than New York City or Los Angeles. Local Nashville drummer Aksel Coe reports that the city is full of legendary historic recording studios, houses with DIY setups, and everything in between. Although the city very much runs on the business of music, it maintains a community-centered DIY feel, especially among those writing, producing, and making the music.

Coe shared that the music coming out of Nashville is largely focused on songwriting with instrumentalists like him available to support songwriters and push the song forward. If a songwriter has lyrics and maybe a melody, they'll have no problem finding musicians to help them bring their song to life in Music City. That's exactly the goal of this pack: to help songwriters bring their vision to fruition. A complicated drum pattern that might feel out of reach is now at a songwriter's fingertips, as are the basic foundational ones.

Watch as Aksel brings you a behind the scenes look at his recording setup and mentality in recording Country Drums. These gorgeous and perfectly recorded drum tones are highly versatile and are drag and drop ready for your next pop, country, indie rock, or electronic production.
